How Colors Plays Major Role in Home Moods

 Colors is Everything in the World, Let See How Colors Plays a Big Role on Mood Change in Our Home.

as 12 Colors are Most Common Amoug us, there are 1000 plus shade of the colors avaliable in market. 

let see the each colors and how it infulance our Mind. just we will Start With Red Color.

Red Color : Red Always Stands with Full Force and Vibarent. it Attract Human Eye Faster then any other Color. it is also Indicate the Strong Mood. Red Attract Youth More and it also attract Buyers More. so only all Top Brands Like Airtel, Netflix, Vodafone, Coca cola, Even Youtube also Using Red Color. Red Color Also gives Royal Look and Feel for a Brand or Home.

Green Color : Green Indicates Cool and Peace full Life.  it Makes Our Mind and Heart to Feel Lighter.People also Telling that Green Attract Money Income. it also Bring More Trust and Fast Growth.

Yellow Color : Yellow attract Eye Contact More then any Other. its Pull Our Energy as much as possible. so Normaly in Office and Living Area People will Avoid Yellow Color. 

Black Color : Black is a Classic and Sexy Color. Top Brands are using Black in it Logo and Even Fonts also Many Company using Black. Like Royal Enfield, Uber , BlackTicket. etc 

Orange ; Orange is very Dynamic Color which make us to take action fast. it is the best alternative for people who want to replace red. as orange is Sun Set Color it attract Human eyes smoothly
